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From 7 to 9 June 2024, the CHREN Conference took place. It began with a Panel Discussion on the increasing role of human rights in the promotion of justice and the protection of rights and freedoms at the regional human rights courts. On the panel, Patricia Wiater (CHREN, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) discussed current trends and challenges with Justice Dennis Dominic Adjei (African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights), Judge Verónica Gómez (Inter-American Court of Human Rights), Judge Tim Eicke (European Court of Human Rights) and James Thuo Gathii (Loyola University Chicago School of Law). On the next day, the idea of expanding human rights protection to non-human subjects was deliberated in a Symposium. Lastly, the CHREN Conference finished with the Human Rights Talks „Artificial Intelligence as a Human Rights Chance or Challenge?“ where FAU students could discuss their research with the human rights judges.
For further information, please see here!
Das vom BMBF geförderte interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt Wechselwirkungen islamistischer Radikalisierung erforscht den politischen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext islamistischer Radikalisierung. Prof. Wiater leitet das juristische Teilprojekt zu menschenrechtlichen Effekten und Kaskadeneffekten im Vorgehen gegen islamistisch motivierten Terrorismus, in dem Charlotte Jawurek wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin ist.